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Sahand Laboratory Complex

Sahand Laboratory Complex
Tahlil Sanat Sahand

Industrial & engineering solutions

Laboratory complex


3D workshop

3D scanning of industrial and non-industrial parts and all parts that need redesign and 3D modeling, from small to large parts, is done with high accuracy and excellent quality. The output format of the 3D model is STL,STEP,… which most modeling software supports.
3D printing technology is developing day by day. 3D printing is the process of making a 3D model of an object, which can be used to see its actual size and shape.


About Us

TSS company deals in technical and engineering fields, research and education in a wide range of industries with a focus on metal industries. In addition to these activities, this company has a laboratory complex and a technical inspection unit for industrial processes and products, which is proud to provide laboratory and consulting services and inspections in the fields of tools, assembiles, facilities, structures and industrial and construction parts. Quality control examinations and reverse engineering of production and industrial parts are the two main axes of research and laboratory activities of this company.

Policy and objectives

Providing correct and accurate technical and engineering services as soon as possible
Improving the level of customer satisfaction and trust by providing technical, laboratory and research services according to their requirments.
Continuous improvement of the quantitative and qualitative level of activities

FOUNDER & CEO : Hasan Jamali Rafei

Geybi Mokarame

Technical Manager
Member of the Board

Jamali Rafei

Chairman of the Board

Seyed Hoseini

Member of the Board

TELFAX : +98 (413)4457341
Mobile1 : +98 9143002723
Mobile2 : +98 9143108386

Whatsapp : +98 9367301201

www. sahandindustry .com
map Address : NO.302,SAHAND LABORATORY COMPLEX ,next to the central building of the township – automative technical township -west industrial area (garamelek) – TABRIZ

Website design by TSS groupe